
  • People call me leader of da fruitsnack army

  • I'm a Proud OG member of TheBoys community, Been supportin' our boys since 10.18.20

  • I love interacting with other fans & making friends

  • Yes I have my favorite BOYS; Juicy, Josh & Smashing

  • I sometimes draw fanart of legends

  • I occasionally make edits of Big Goosey

  • If ya got something to say about me, Say it to my face or don't say shit at all.

  • Most of the time I Just tweet random dumbass shit, Express my opinions & Reply to other tweets with smartass remarks & Witty comebacks

  • I can be the nicest fuckin' person or the biggest fuckin' bitch, thats all up to you, Treat me the way you wanna be treated.

  • If you only support Smashing because of his content with TheBoys & Not for his individual content, personality or humor, Just leave tbh, We.Don't.Need.You.Here.


  • Mini

  • Mg / Mj

  • Mini Goose

  • Mini Gifty

  • Mini Juicy

  • Mini G / Mini J

  • Lil G / Lil J

  • Mini Juice / Lil Juice

  • Mini Juicebox / Lil JuiceBox

  • Mini Fruitsnack / Lil Fruitsnack

  • & Anything in similar fashion


  • Mini Corpse

  • Sux

  • Lil Sux

  • Dubs

  • Glitz

  • Smash

  • Lil Sucka

  • Lil JuiceDrop

  • Mini Septicye

  • Scarr

  • Jas/Speeds

  • Tale

  • Ryan

  • Shark

  • Dragon

  • Corrupted & Chaos

  • In a wonderful relationship with a giant dork & my forever love, SuxToes {8.20.21}

  • Smash, Dubs & Sux Are My phuckin' Ride & Dies & My Hype squad, Love you boneheads!

  • & of course! I Wouldn't be here without the most supportive phuckin' mom in the world, Glitz! Love you mom


In case anyone wants to make fanart, I save & appreciate all of the art everyone draws for me, All art goes into a folder on my phone & Eventually some get printed & added to my art gallery
